“Our integrated photonics activity will be fully embedded in the new institute.”

Andrea Fiore (left), Martijn Heck (right)


Welcome to the second edition of SPOT ON Integrated Photonics! We are happy to share some exciting developments at TU/e and in its environment.

Over the years, Integrated Photonics has become a main research area at TU/e, initially represented by the COBRA Research School and then by the Institute for Photonic Integration. In parallel, an industrial ecosystem has arisen in the Eindhoven region, supported by the strong growth of several TU/e spin-offs. This success, together with the increasing economic and strategic importance of computing and communication technologies, has led the TU/e to raise its ambition further with the foundation of a new Institute, the Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute (EHCI). This institute has the ambition to play a leading role in the broad field of exponentially growing information and communication technologies. It builds on our university’s research excellence in nanomaterials, integrated photonics, and quantum technology. By its strongly interdisciplinary nature, the institute has the potential to address increasingly complex challenges in the areas of computing, communication, and sensing.

Our integrated photonics activity will be fully embedded in the new institute and benefit from the collaboration opportunities with other fields, such as materials science, micro- and nano-electronics, and quantum technology. The ongoing NWO Gravitation program, integrated into EHCI, will continue under the name “Center for Integrated Photonics Eindhoven”and will continue to promote TU/e integrated photonics activities in the SPOT ON magazine and other channels.

In this edition, besides an overview of the EHCI goals and mission, you will read about recent research results, new career opportunities for students, exciting spin-off initiatives, and the newly established Photonic Integration Technology Center. Enjoy and keep in touch!

Andrea Fiore, Scientific Director, Center for Integrated Photonics Eindhoven

Martijn Heck, Scientific Director, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
